Friday, December 17, 2010

Mt. Diablo got HIKED and CAMPED

Yep....hiking and camping in the cold and the wet. Be prepared.....for fun and awesome memories!

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

To the top of the mountain!

We took to the top of Mount St. Helena....and conquered! Lots of new hikers, some old guys and wonderful California winter weather. The group could see for miles and miles and miles and miles....

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fall 2010 Court of Honor for Troop 134

New faces, new ranks, new accomplishments. A wonderful evening of celebrating hard work by scouts, parents and leaders.

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pancake me again please!!

Our 42nd Annual Pancake Breakfast was a resounding success! Everyone worked hard and enjoyed the time spent together. Good food, good scouts, good leaders, neighbors and sponsors. Another fortunate year for Troop 134.

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!  

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Service Service Service

A few hearty souls ventured out in the rain to lend some effort to a cleanup project in our neighborhood. Congratulations and earned "service hours" to those that participated!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

So I signed up for a nice walk on the beach....

It just so happened that Beach Cleanup Day was being sponsored by REI at Doran Beach. So we did our duty. 800lbs and 21 miles of coast cleaned up. Most debris turned out to be little plastic shards and cigarette butts. Oh, and also, Westley turned 18 this day...too old to be a Boy Scout. Congratulations!

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password! 

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hike 20 miles in a day? Done.

Who'd have thought it would be as smooth an operation as it was? We started at 6:30am with the sunrise, lunched in Forestville at noon for an hour and completed 20 miles by 3:30pm. FAST! Weather cooperated, trail was easy-peasy and very interesting (did I say flat?) and those were awesome burgers at lunch! This will earn the Hiking Merit Badge for some.

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!

Joe Rodotta Trail and West County Trails

Rest stops along the way

Lunch in Forestville at Carr's

Monday, August 9, 2010

Westley's Eagle Project is IN THE BAG

Over the weekend we completed another stellar Eagle Project. The Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue now has electrical conduit installed in underground trenches from the house/main building down to junction boxes at two areas: the Mountain Lion Enclosure and another at the FUTURE Otter Pond!. This will allow pumps, lights and heaters to easily be added.

You can find MORE photos HERE and HERE ALSO if you know the secret password!

Here's what we started with....

...and here's one of the tools we used....

...along with good old fashioned hand tools and great friends.... do alot of this....

...and end up with a very unnoticeable end product

Friday, July 30, 2010

BSA Shirts ON SALE $3 to $5 !!!!!!

The official BSA scout website is clearing out "old", I call classic, uniform shirts and shorts for as low as $2.98! What a deal! Those are ebay prices and this is NEW stock from BSA. Wow.

Here's the $5 link for SCOUT SIZED SHIRTS

And here's a great $5 deal on SCOUT SHORTS

Here's the $5 link for ADULT SIZED SHIRTS

And here's a $3 link for that great ACTION SHIRT we all wore on the 50 miler

Monday, July 12, 2010

They're survivors

Another successful summer camp. Little Camp Noyo hosted three troops for a week. It was challenging and we met the challenge....everyone's more skilled for the effort.

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

Troop 134 @ Camp Noyo 2010 (with special guests)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

And they're OFF!

Summer Camp at Noyo. We saw the troop off at Ft. Bragg's Skunk Train this morning. Good luck at camp this year!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

the troop loads up

there they go!

happy campers!

 away they go

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Through the Armstrong Woods we go!

Wonderfully cool, sunny and clear day. We took the long way home and did 10 miles up 1500 feet and down. Worth it every step of the way. Next time we stop at the top to camp!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

Armstrong Woods was 75 years old last year!

A whole lotta hiking going on!

We rest now...

Shade's the name of the game

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eagle Honors!

We honored Troop 134's latest cool Eagle Scout on a hot afternoon.

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password!

all the ranks were represented

proud parents of course

and the guys were there to help out

Saturday, June 12, 2010

fine weekend for a fishing derby

the troop assisted the pack with their 3rd annual fishing EXTRAVAGANZA!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

awesome signage

going for distance gold

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Perfect Golden Gate and Presidio Day Hike

The weather was on our side. We caught a break in the cold and wet days we've been having. Sunshine and breezes made it a beautiful day to hike the Presidio, explore Ft. Baker, hike down the Coast Trail and do the Golden Gate Bridge crawl!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password!

all smiles and great attitude

old fort defenders

the surf was up!

and we paid our respects

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Eagle Again! Matt's Court of Honor

A Mother's Day Special Eagle Court of Honor. A full house and another successful Eagle celebration ceremony.

You can find MORE photos HERE if you know the secret password!

Eagle Kit

Steps to the Eagle Rank

And the award goes to....

Eagle Court Of Honor is closed