Saturday, June 19, 2010

Through the Armstrong Woods we go!

Wonderfully cool, sunny and clear day. We took the long way home and did 10 miles up 1500 feet and down. Worth it every step of the way. Next time we stop at the top to camp!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

Armstrong Woods was 75 years old last year!

A whole lotta hiking going on!

We rest now...

Shade's the name of the game

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Eagle Honors!

We honored Troop 134's latest cool Eagle Scout on a hot afternoon.

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password!

all the ranks were represented

proud parents of course

and the guys were there to help out

Saturday, June 12, 2010

fine weekend for a fishing derby

the troop assisted the pack with their 3rd annual fishing EXTRAVAGANZA!

You can find MORE photos H E R E  if you know the secret password! 

awesome signage

going for distance gold