The last requirement for the Cycling Merit Badge is to complete a 50 mile bike ride. This is the ride that everyone has been working up to!
Speaking of everyone, the entire troop started the merit badge, but as the rides got longer and tougher, fewer and fewer of the boys continued with the program. Their excuses were varied. Boys that had Hiking or Swimming under their belt didn't feel a need to add cycling to their list when it wouldn't count as an Eagle required merit badge. Others didn't feel their bikes were up to the task. Still others thought that they weren't up to the task. Whatever the reason, only the hardiest cyclers came out to finish the merit badge.
Hardy they needed to be as the ride took place on the hottest day of the year! Temperatures were in the high 90's by the end of the ride! Because of this, they ride started an hour early, getting under way just after 6:00AM. The route also had to be changed. Instead of starting in hot, hot, Cloverdale and riding south to Howarth Park, the route started and ended at Howarth Park, went down and back up the Joe Rodota Trail and then north to Healdsburg and back.

In the end, all but one of the boys who started, finished. All the boys enjoyed a BBQ at Howarth Park afterwards to replenish the calories lost on the trail.
At the next meeting, the Scoutmasters Minute was about doing something Epic. Each of us has a chance to do something epic in their scout careers and this was certainly one of those epic events.
What will your epic event be?
Participants: Payton, Gerrit, Owen, Brian, Bryce, Devon, Andres
Leaders: Mr. Polkinghorn, Mr. Brisgel
Lessons Learned: Old Redwood Highway is a great route for biking, but not very scenic. After a long ride, chocolate milk is fantastic! Do the paperwork right after the rides.