Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2013 USS Hornet Overnight

As our big trip of the year, the scouts went down to Alameda and boarded the USS Hornet for an educational overnight.  The boys got to sleep in the racks in the Torpedo Room, eat in the Enlisted Mess, and see much of the ship.

Of special note was the guided tour of the ship.  in the past we have had a guided tour and when the ship is packed a self guided tour.  With the smaller groups in the middle of spring, the troop got a guided tour or the ship.

The tour included the usual parts of the ship- the bridge, the nav, the flight deck, the hangar, the brig, the catapult rooms, the engine room, and the work spaces.

However, the guide for the troop was a former Chief Petty Officer of the Watch who took the boys into a rarely visited part of the ship - the radio room where secret communications were decoded!  This section was so secret that our guide didn't even know about it's existence when he was a sailor for numerous years aboard the ship!

After the dinner and tour, the scouts were given the choice of attending an informational movie or a presentation of ghost stories!  Then it was off to bed except for two of the leaders who (luckily) drew the first fire watch of the night and only had to stay up a little late.

The next day the scouts were given the privilege of performing the morning flag ceremony!

After morning flags the boys loaded their gear, hit the gift shop, took a ride on the flight simulator, took one last tour around the flight deck and then headed back to Santa Rosa.

Participants: Clayton, Matt, Johnny, Eric, James, Jordan, Joey, Owen, Bryce, John-Robert, Adam

Leaders: Mr. Franceschi, Mr. Polkinghorn, Mr. Baier, Mrs. Baier, Mr. Christensen

Lessons Learned:  Follow the directions to the tunnel to Alameda!  Only 2 leaders need to pull one night shift.

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