Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 New Scout Outing

It’s March and that means bridgings and the New Scout Outing! 

This year we had a big disappointment long before we left for the event.  The troop for the last several years has gone to Lake Sonoma to do the new scout’s first outing.  The site has everything we need, room for many tents, pavilions to keep out of the weather, and a large fire circle.  Oh yea, and don’t forget “The Rock” to play on.  Unfortunately, with the Washington DC budget cutbacks the Corps of Engineers had not had the funds to open the recreation facilities this year (thanks Congress).  So the troop was out of a location to hold its outing and had to cast around for another.  After looking around, we settled on Spring Lake.

As the day approached, the weather turned south.  Rain crept in and out of the forecast all week.  The night before, the models predicted the rain to arrive in the wee hours and pitter out by mid morning.  So, the troop decided to go.

When the morning arrived, the weather was damp but not raining.  Sprinkles did move in and out as everyone formed up and the last bits of paperwork was filled out.  Then it was off to the park.  When the troop arrived, the mist had turned to a steady sprinkle and then to a light rain.  The troop raced to get it’s easy ups and tarps set up.  In no time, shelter was to be had.  With dry patches created and the rain beginning to come down harder, the troop moved to training the new scouts.  The older scouts, especially the Star Scouts needing their EDGE requirement to move up to Life split up with two or three of the new scouts and went over 2nd Class first-aid.

It was here that the scouts showed their mettle.  Everything was sopping wet.  There was no dry place to sit.  So what did the scouts do?  They did their training standing up (without complaints)!  While that was going on, the scoutmasters worked with last year’s scouts on their advancement.  As the rain slacked off and the ground began to dry, the troop moved to set up their tents.  Then it was off to lunch.
In previous years on this outing, the troop had returned to first-aid training in the afternoon.  This year though, we were at Spring Lake Park which is one of the Redwood Regional Challenge parks.  So the second class 5 mile hike with map and compass requirement was inserted instead.  The troop took off from the campsite and circled both Spring Lake and Lake Raphine in Howarth Park taking multiple trails to make the 5 mile requirements. 

Limping back into camp, tired but happy, the group prepared to start dinner.  This is always a frightening moment for the scoutmasters.  How will the new scouts do on their first meal they have to cook themselves?  The answer was, just fine!  The patrol gathered around and shared the jobs of cooking and cleaning and had their dinner done and cleaned up before most of the other patrols even had their food cooked!  Then it was time for some infection tag in the parking lot before dark.

As dark was setting in, an enormous campfire was lit and the new scouts were brought to the circle for the welcoming ceremony.  Afterwards, the group did some ice breaking  exercises and then a reflection circle.  Then it was time for bed.

The next morning the troop made breakfast, packed all the gear up and headed back home with the new scouts having gotten their feet wet for the first time with the troop. 

Participants: Carl, Zack A., Daniel, Andrew W., Gerrit, Devon, Matt, James, Bryce, Owen, John, Eric, Brian, Zach F., Evan, Mitch, Landon, Sebastian, Diego, Ewan, Quinn, Josh, Sam

Leaders:  Mr. Polkinghorn, Mr. Frazee, Mr. Brisgel, Mr. Peacock, Mrs. Arcato, Mr. Baier, 

Lessons Learned:  The Spring Lake Group site is really good, but has little shelter from the rain.

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